I went to east Tucson Home Depot looking for freesia bulbs. I returned with a trunk full of bowling-ball sized giant sea squill (Urginea maritima); and here is the kicker, they were half-off, that’s $7.99 each! They were mixed in with bags of daffodils in a huge cardboard box on top of pallet. Sea Squill is the king of African bulbs for desert gardens. It was used to make rat poison, which is good, because rabbits leave it alone. It sends up 6′ tall white flower spikes  in the fall, before the foliage emerges. They look cool in rock gardens, especially with part of the bulb showing. They give you big luxurious leaves all winter, and then go dormant in summer. I was giddy with joy as I filled my shopping cart with the bulbs, packaged in poultry netting and each about the weight of a large fryer or small turkey. To me, it was a Thanksgiving miracle. I returned home, planting them all before a winter storm arrived. Urginea maritima