Way back in 2005, I designed this Civano garden with Soley Belt. Sue Nedrow has diligently maintaned it and this spring it was in full flower and looking great, like a young adult just out of college and ready to enter the work force. Okay, maybe that metaphor doesn’t work, but I think this garden does. The main plants are (1) desert willow, (1) dwarf jojoba, millions of desert bluebells (from seed), and loads of superb penstemon, Mexican evening primrose, and native fleabane. This is one of those gardens that my client has really cared for. Through selective weeding and resowing seeds, she has built up a seed bank in her garden that gets accrues compound interest with each passing year.  Sue painted her patio furniture to match the bloom colors. This spring, it all looked lovely.Garden Design Portfolio, Zona Gardens Garden Design Portfolio, Zona Gardens